So people, I have decided that from October 1 to December 31, I will be writing at least 1 blog post every day. For the first 10 days, the challenge was going hot, I wrote 15 articles in the first 10 days – more than the goal.

But… then I accidently spilled some water on my laptop and it became dead. I had to order a new laptop which took almost a week to arrive and during the week I decided to go on a quick vacation and enjoyed a lot. But… after coming back from the vacation, I am failing to stay put to the goal of mine. I now have my new laptop for almost a week but I have only written 4 articles this week. It’s not that I am doing nothing and just wasting my time, no, I am doing other meaningful things like reading books, learning to code, and sending awesome tweets – I am just not writing.

Writer’s block? Maybe.

Anyways, I will come back to writing soon and I am not thinking of losing the challenge in any way.

See ya! 👋

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