While the idea of keeping everything at one place is tempting, it’s equally scary too. You can never let the feeling of losing everything go — who know if a “digital pandemic” is waiting for us.

Primarily for this reason, I stopped using Notion for taking my notes (I still use it to manage my projects and collaborate with people) and started using Obsidian almost an year ago. Obsidian is working great for me, I rarely had a thought to migrate out of the app. Another major reason for leaving Notion was, it’s slow speed. It takes forever to open if you have to take a quick note about something. Ideas are volatile and if you do not make a way to save them quickly, as soon as they appear, they will get lost. Also, Notion doesn’t run offline.

But again, I am thinking of starting to write in Notion — at least, my daily journal.

In fact, this note that you’re currently reading, I wrote it in Notion.

Let’s see if I continue with it.

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