As a writer/blogger, you need a tool that offers a faster and easier way to add quick notes so that you don’t miss anything important that comes to your mind while you were out for a walk, cooking or chilling in the garden.

I believe Google Keep is one of such tools that stays on my phone, I can quickly open it and take notes in whatever format that I am comfortable with at the time. Notes format that Google Keep supports are:

Let’s say, you’re walking down the road listening to your favorite podcast and suddenly you get an idea about starting some new features for your website. You will have to stop walking for a while to take text notes, but at the time you can quickly take a voice note and narrate everything that’s on your mind, without stopping.

And, the best thing is all your notes are also accessing from the browser if you visit to Means, the notes that you take on a single device (smartphone or desktop), will be immediately available to all your devices, connected to the same Google account.

How cool is that!

For writing, I use regularly use Google Tool with some other amazing tools.

Happy blogging!

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